
Spring Leaves.

How To Spruce Up Your Spring! An Acupuncturist's Advice for Transitioning out of Winter

April 21, 2014

It is finally spring time in New York City and here at Olo Acupuncture we encourage all of our patients to do some form of a Spring Spruce Up as the weather warms. Acupuncture and Chinese medicine teach that the palpable shift of energy in our environment is a cue for us and our daily routines to shift as well. By aligning our activities with the season we can stay healthy, increase our energy levels and feel emotionally positive.

Why Should You Spruce It Up This Spring?

Chinese Medicine compares the spring season to the wood element in nature. Similar to trees blossoming and flowers blooming we can use our winter reserves to burst forth with new energy in various aspects of our lives. Often the winter leaves us with some stagnant feelings which can manifest in different areas whether it be in relationships, work situations,  or even our physical bodies. If there is frustration, sadness or physical pain, it’s a sign that energy is not flowing optimally. Whether you want to grow in your career or in the role you play as a parent, partner, leader or friend, following a few simple suggestions can help to initiate the burst of life you want.

Spruce up your Space

Spend a little extra time clearing out some clutter from your closet, bedroom or cabinets. Most of us have a drawer or corner that tends to collect a lot of excess stuff, and then once filled, it is forgotten. Often this space will reflect an area in our lives or minds that has some unresolved issue that was unable to be dealt with previously. Even if you are not yet sure what that issue is, getting rid of an old article of clothing, pile of magazines or drawer full of unused products may help remind us of what we need to let go. By creating the empty space in our home, we allow room for growth in our lives.

Spruce up your Diet

Generally, we find ourselves gravitating towards healthier food options once the weather gets warmer to shed some winter weight before the summer, but there are greater benefits to healthy food options than just looking good. Eating lighter, natural food and cutting down on alcohol and caffeine can give the liver a chance to repair itself which will help us to feel more energetic and improve our ability to think clearly. The immune system will also work it’s best when unhindered by excess sugar and dairy. Try adding a glass of warm lemon water each morning to promote healthy elimination and help the shedding process along.

Spruce Up your Health Routine

For some people this can be beginning of a new exercise routine to shape up physically or a meditation practice to reduce anxiety levels. Adding a deep breathing technique to this routine is wonderful for the spring because of the connection between the lungs and liver. With each inhale the lungs expand and the diaphragm balloons down, giving the liver an internal massage. This helps us to feel less frustrated and irritable and more grounded and clear headed.

How Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine Can Help Your Sprucing Efforts

Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine are great tools to help you make the transition from winter to spring. By helping to balance the different aspects of your body as it reacts to the changes in weather and activity, acupuncture can help give you the best chance at staying healthy.

Whether you are taking up a new exercise routine or restarting an old one, sore muscles from increased physical activity, as well as any sprains or strains you may suffer can all be treated by both acupuncture and massage.

Many of us will feel uncharacteristically agitated or angry at this time of year, and acupuncture can help you smooth out those emotions and help you locate some inner peace. Likewise, colds are very common as people get caught outside in colder weather than expected. Try to keep bundled up, but if you do find yourself with a cold, be sure to come in at the first signs and we can help you get back on track.

Spring is dreaded by those who suffer from seasonal allergies. Sneezing, congestion, itchy, red eyes, headaches and ear infections can be drastically decreased with regular acupuncture treatments and Chinese herbs. While it is best to start treatment a few weeks before you typically experience symptoms, do not hesitate to come in if you're already sneezing.

The team at Olo Acupuncture is happy to help you with your transition into the spring season. The above are general tips that anyone can begin today. If you would like guidance in creating a more individualized plan, schedule an appointment to speak with an acupuncturist today.

Here's to a Happy, Healthy Spring!

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